


You can make a satisfying and economical meal for your family in seven easy steps.

一碗热气腾腾的汤是一顿丰盛而健康的饭. 你可以用食品柜里的食物, freezer or leftovers from your refrigerator to make a tasty soup in about 30 minutes following these easy steps. 每锅汤可供四个成年人食用. The nutritional value varies depending on the ingredients you choose.

You don’t have to eat at a restaurant to enjoy a delicious stir-fry. Try making your own stir-fry using the foods in your pantry, refrigerator or freezer. 你可以从新鲜食物或冷冻蔬菜开始.

利用你的创造力和食品储藏室里的食物, refrigerator or freezer to make a delicious omelet following these easy steps.

煮熟的豆子营养很便宜. Follow these easy steps to prepare dry edible beans on your menus.

你的家庭食品储藏室里有什么? (FN1706)
A pantry stocked with essential nonperishable food items can save time and money. This publication provides a list of some ideas for common pantry items to personalize based on the ingredients that you use when you cook or bake.

脱脂牛奶与脱脂牛奶的营养价值相同. 干牛奶用途广泛,保质期长. It is a good source of 蛋白质, vitamins A and D, calcium and essential fats.

可以ned salmon and tuna contain an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids, 哪些对你的健康至关重要. These polyunsaturated fatty acids may play a role in preventing heart disease.

Create a quesadilla with a variety of colors and flavors for your next family dinner. Have your family pick out their favorite quesadilla fillings with this flexible yet delicious recipe. 选择含有瘦肉蛋白的全麦玉米饼, 低脂奶酪和各种蔬菜,做起来很简单, 有趣又营养的一餐.

Game meats, such as elk and venison, add variety to your diet. 它们的脂肪含量通常低于其他肉类. Consider these tips as you expand your cooking to include game meats.

在你的菜单中使用猎鸟可以增加你饮食的多样性. Consider these tips as you expand your menu options to include game birds such as goose.

鹰嘴豆泥,烤鹰嘴豆和更多! (FN1739)
Pulse foods include chickpeas (or garbanzo beans), lentils and split peas. These inexpensive foods provide 蛋白质, complex carbohydrates, and several vitamins and minerals.

披萨、汤、格兰诺拉麦片等等! 如何在你的食谱中使用扁豆(FN1740)
Like other plant-based foods, pulses, contain no cholesterol and little fat or sodium. They are an excellent source of fiber and folate, along with many other vitamins and minerals.

豌豆汤,沙拉,莎莎和更多! (FN1741)
You can find split and whole peas in the grocery store in plastic bags and, sometimes, in bulk.

使用放了一天的面包可以帮你节省食物开销. 一些面包店以折扣价出售放了一天的面包. You might buy a few loaves because you found a great deal; unfortunately, 你可能在用完之前就厌倦了. 你能用它做什么?

Unit pricing is a term that describes pricing goods to determine what the cost is per unit of measure, 比如磅, 盎司或夸脱. Finding the unit price of an item allows consumers to find the “best buy” and determine any advantages to buying in bulk or switching brands.

首页made snack mixes can be an inexpensive and healthful option for children and adults. Each snack mix recipe in this handout contains kid-friendly ingredients.

Sandwiches are easy to make and can serve as a quick meal for you or your family any time of day. 选择全麦面包, 各种蔬菜, fruit and lean 蛋白质 to pack your sandwich full of nutrients.

自己用碗做饭既便宜又简单. You can make meals from ingredients you probably already have on hand.

4 Everyday Uses for Extra Cereal in Your Cupboard (FN1760)
If you find yourself with a number of half-empty cereal boxes in your cupboard, you are not alone. Maybe the members of your household didn’t like a certain variety of cereal, 或者你在麦片打折的时候买了太多盒子.

A well-balanced, home-packed lunch can set you up for success. Eating lunch provides an opportunity to refuel your brain and body after a morning of hard work.

Making your own spice blends is a win-win idea that gives your food a pop of flavor while reducing sodium.

Celebrations such as birthdays or holidays are exciting and memorable times filled with family, 朋友和食物. Nourish your body every time you eat, even when you are celebrating a special day.

Many oils have distinct flavors and properties that make them tasty additions in your cooking.

做一顿简单的快餐从来没有这么简单过. Tap into your creative side and make your own salad in a jar recipe. 邀请孩子们帮忙准备. Add the salad dressing of your choice and layers of tasty ingredients, 准备吃的时候摇在一起.

Pinchin' Pennie$ in the Kitchen: Make Your Own Salads in a Jar: Recipe Ideas (FN1887)

Pizza sometimes is viewed as unhealthy or even as “junk food,” but well-chosen toppings make pizza a healthful menu option that can include all of the food groups (grain, 蔬菜, 蛋白质, 水果和奶制品或替代品).

Charcuterie [shahr-koo-tuh-ree] boards are collections of meats, 奶酪, 喜欢, 堵塞, 饼干/面包和/或其他食品. 这些板可定制, so they provide an opportunity to use ingredients you already have at home.